Five Generation Ancestor Tree

1: You 2: Father 4: P grandfather 8: PP g-grandfather 16: PPP gg-grandfather
17: PPP gg-grandmother
9: PP g-grandmother 18: PPM gg-grandfather
19: PPM gg-grandmother
5: P grandmother 10: PM g-grandfather 20: PMP gg-grandfather
21: PMP gg-grandmother
11: PM g-grandmother 22: PMM gg-grandfather
23: PMM gg-grandmother
3: Mother 6: M grandfather 12: MP g-grandfather 24: MPP gg-grandfather
25: MPP gg-grandmother
13: MP g-grandmother 26: MPM gg-grandfather
27: MPM gg-grandmother
7: M grandmother 14: MM g-grandfather 28: MMP gg-grandfather
29: MMP gg-grandmother
15: MM g-grandmother 30: MMM gg-grandfather
31: MMM gg-grandmother

n.b. P = Paternal, M = Maternal
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