Ideally the information from the above example would be submitted thus:
14 Aug 1836, C, Caroline CATLEY, dau of Joseph & Sarah, Church Hulme, St. Luke, CHS, PR, CHRISN, father a farmer of Cranage
New data may also be submitted in the form of tab-delimited text files, preferably in this format. This method is most suitable for adding large batches
of data from a new source and was particularly useful in the early days. However, many sources have now been 'mined out', at least to some extent, and most new data comes in relatively small
amounts as researchers come across, e.g. parish registers with just a few entries for the Catley or Cattley surnames. In these cases I am happy to accept information in any convenient
format subject to the following guidelines:
- Please check that the Database does not already contain an identical entry. However, new records will be accepted with additional information or a more reliable source,
e.g. an original parish register entry is always preferable to an IGI entry.
- Each new record should begin on a new line; ideally there should be a blank line between each record.
- The date, or at least the year, must be given. Please submit dates in the following format dd mmm yyyy, e.g. 23 Apr 1564, and don't use ordinal numbers
[1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.] for the days as they cannot be cut-and-pasted directly into the database.
- The type of event must be unambiguous for each new entry. Don't use 'B' for births or baptisms, 'B' means 'burial' and 'C' means baptism/christening.
It is best to spell out the event type for each proposed new entry or to group sets of entries of the same event type together making it clear what the event type is.
- Please don't submit Excel spreadsheets containing dates in a single column. Excel cannot handle dates prior to the 20th century and although there are several elegant ways
of working around this restriction, there is always the danger that we will end up with a mess.
- Please try to supply Place information as the place name [including a church or cemetery name as appropriate]. If you know the Chapman code for the County/Country please use it
- it saves me having to look it up.
- Always cite your source; if you found the data on a web page the source should be 'WWW' and any further source information should be added as a Note.
- Always use this title for your EMail message Catley Database Submission; this link may be used to create the envelope for an appropriate submission message.
Please note that from November 2008 all EMail messages containing information for inclusion in the Database must be titled 'Catley Database Submission'.
The CATLEY-L Mailing List [] is now so lively that I cannot keep up with all the messages!